Library Login Credentials
What credentials should I use in order to logon to my UWC library account, or to sign into EZproxy when trying to access online journals from off campus.
New Students
1st time and First Year UWC students, including students who have been assigned new student numbers when registering for the 2021 academic year.
Username: student number e.g. 4112117
Password (Should contain the prefix !St followed by your ID, or passport number if you’re an international student)
Username: 4112117 Password: !St0201010062087
Returning Students
Username: student number e.g. 4112117
Password (ID number or passport number for international students)
Username: initial and surname e.g. jjones
Password (the network password that you’ve been using)
Changing your Password
If your password doesn’t work or if you need to change it for whatever reason. You can do so at the following website.
Problems changing your Password
If you experience problems resetting your password, you can contact the ICS service desk via email at (telephone number: 959 2000). Request that the call centre agent assist you in resetting your network password.
NB: Changing your password will change your password for all of the following accounts that you may use;, uKwazi library account, EZproxy, VPN, Intranet
University of the Western Cape,
Robert Sobukwe Road,
Tel: 021 959 2946