How do I request a referral letter to visit other university libraries?


1. Cape Town area:
All staff, students in possession of a first degree and registered for further study are considered CHELiN (Cape Higher Education Libraries’ Information Network) BORROWERS and may apply to borrow material from CHELiN LIBRARIES in addition to their borrowing privileges at their Home Library.

University of Cape Town
University of the Western Cape
Cape Peninsula University of Technology

CHELIN borrowers must apply for and obtain a referral letter from their home library before applying for borrowing membership at a CHELiN library. For referral letters, see Mr Trevor Fortune, on UWC library Level 5 or email:


2. National

Staff and registered students at masters and doctoral level have national access to tertiary institutions through the CHELSA (Committee of Higher Education Librarians of South Africa) agreement between South African Universities. For a letter of introduction/application form contact  Mr Trevor Fortune, on UWC library Level 5 or email:

Note: this is intended primarily for students who are resident outside of the greater Cape Town area.


Please note that some of these services are currently suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic

  • Last Updated Feb 14, 2022
  • Views 150
  • Answered By Anne Moon

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